Bean Quest 1.0

The very first “Bean Quest” took place December 10th, 2022 and was an iconic event. Back in October, the “Beans” (my friends) were looking for a place to throw a Halloween party. Since several of us now DJ, and EDF was such a success this past summer, we wanted a place to DJ. We were planning on doing a party at Nick’s house for Halloween, but we wanted a follow up event where we could really throw down some DJ sets.

So one night after the gym in October, we are discussing this while having a beer at Vision Quest brewery. Garrett, Ian, and I were all chatting about where we could potentially throw another event like EDF where we all DJ for our friends and make drinks.

A few ideas that came to our small brains for hosting a “bean event” were:

  • An abandoned warehouse
  • A warehouse but maybe one we could legally rent
  • A public park
  • A literal sewer run-off area
  • A brewery…

Now when we got to the last one, it just kind of clicked in my brain. We were sitting at Vision Quest brewery and looking around, there were speakers and subs all up against the wall…

I said “one sec”, and stood up to go chat with the bartender. I asked if they ever host DJ type events here and if so how much they would charge. His name was DC and he said “how many people are we talking?”. I honestly wasn’t sure how many people we could pull but given our connections in Boulder I figured we could get at least 50 people. When I said “50 people”, he just responded with “50 people! you can get this whole place for free, any day you want, and we will close at 2am”.

Just like that Bean Quest was born!

The name is a mix between “Bean Party” and “Vision Quest”

Planning ✏️

In order for this event to really work out, we actually had to plan. Vision Quest was very adamant about us bringing at least 50 people so that by us using the venue for a night, it was actually profitable to them. We later learned that even 30 people would suffice so we really out-performed.

For our planning, we shared event details with everyone we knew and sent the signal out to all our friends. Both myself and Addy put together digital posters that we shared online and with our friends.

The poster can be seen as the cover image of this post

In the past at EDF, the DJ line-up of our friends was usually as follows:

  • Puddles (Sam)
  • Mac and Gs (Garrett)
  • Borscht (Me - Grant)
  • HRDR DDI (Ian W.)

However, this time we got a new DJ added to the roster… SILENT J. Silent J is Jake’s friend Jorit. My definition of “pro” is someone who is a “professional” and gets paid to do things and is really good. This defines Jorit at DJing. He is damn good.

Bean Quest 1.0 Weekend 🥂

The weekend of Bean Quest turned into a pretty fun weekend of friends conglomerating from all over.

We kicked off the weekend with Korean Karaoke to dial-in our live performance skills


Ian and Taylor singing karaoke


Korean Karaoke!

The following day was the day of the event. We started off the day with a coffee and a hike in Boulder with friends.


Group hike in Chatauqua Park in Boulder before Bean Quest

The Event 🥳

The event was a huge success. At its peak capacity, we probably had about 60 people in Vision Quest. Over the course of the night I would say about 80 people showed up. We all did our DJ sets without any major issues and every had an extremely good time. We completely sold Vision Quest out of two different beers. Our friends bounced to funky rhythm, and drank a lot of beer.

It was such a hit both the owner and the bartender really wanted us to come back and play regularly. I told them “we would be back” and we kept that promise.

Pictures 📸


Ian W. (DJ HRDR DDI) on the decks at Bean Quest


Jorit (Silent J) on the decks at Bean Quest


DJ Borscht (me) on the decks at Bean Quest


DJ Mac & Gs (Garrett) on the decks at Bean Quest


DJ Puddles (Sam) on the decks at Bean Quest